"The Baker's Dozens"
Two additional selections of domestic samples
As time has gone on, we have come across some new and interesting samples. Rather than add these to the standard kit, and raise its price, we decided to offer them as two optional sets.
Baker's Dozen #1
71 honey locust - Gleditsia triacanthus
72 black walnut burl - Juglans nigra
73 birdseye maple (hard) - Acer saccharum
74 Japanese snowbell - Styrax japonica
75 redbud - Ceris canadensis
76 big leaf maple - Acer macrophyllum
77 sycamore maple - Acer pseudoplatanus
78 boxwood (American) - Buxus sempervirens
79 curly maple (soft) - Acer sp.
59 eastern red cedar - Juniperus virginiana
60 blue atlas cedar - Cedrus atlantica
61 dawn redwood - Metasequoia glyptostroboides
62 European (common) yew - Taxus baccata
Baker's Dozen #2
80 quaking aspen- Populus tremuloides
81 crepe myrtle - Lagerstroemia sp
85 hydrangea paniculata - Hydrangea paniculata
86 rhododendron - Rhododendron sp.
91 American hornbeam - Carpinus caroliniana
92 lilac - Syringa sp.
96 Japanese chestnut - Castanea mollissima
64 white fir - Abies concolor
65 redwood - Sequoia sempervirens
67 bald cypress - Taxodium distichum
68 western red cedar - Thuja plicata
69 cypress - Cupressus sempervirens
120 pitch pine - Pinus rigida
"Bakers Dozen #1" separately (+ shipping)  BD-11   $12.00 (+ $7.00 shipping)
"Bakers Dozen #2" separately (+ shipping)  BD-21   $12.00 (+ $7.00 shipping)
"Bakers Dozen #1 and #2" (+ shipping)  BD-121   $24.00 (+ $11.00 shipping)
If you would like to add one or both of the above sample sets to your order of a sample kit, use the following:
"Bakers Dozen #1" added to kit (no extra shipping)   BD-10   $12.00
"Bakers Dozen #2" added to kit (no extra shipping)   BD-20   $12.00
Rick Smith is a member of the International
Wood Collecting Society